Meeting the needs of the caregiver and enhancing support given to the care receiver.

Additional support services that help older adults live successfully and independently in their communities. 
Promoting health and well-being of older individuals through these programs that serve to reduce hunger and food insecurity and promote socialization.
Caregiver Assessment
Do you provide unpaid care to a family member, friend, or neighbor who has an illness, disability, memory loss, or injury? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you are a caregiver! Are you feeling overwhelmed, constantly worried, tired, sad, easily irritated, and/or extremely stressed? You are not alone and there is support available. If you would like to learn more about resources, tools, and supports available for caregivers, please answer the following questions to get connected to the right starting place.
1. Are you over the age of 18 and caring for an older adult (age 60+)?
2. Are you over the age of 18 caring for an individual (any age) with Alzheimer’s disease or a related disorder (e.g., dementia, traumatic brain injury, mild cognitive impairment, chronic traumatic encephalopathy)?
3. Are you over the age of 55 and living with and caring for a child (not biological) under the age of 18?
4. Are you over the age of 55 and living with and caring for an adult (can be a biological child) aged 18-59 with a disability?
If you answered yes to any of the questions above, you are eligible for the National Family Caregiver Support Program (NFCSP). The goal of the NFCSP is to support family caregivers so they may continue to carry out their caregiving roles and responsibilities. The program can provide services such as caregiver counseling, information and assistance, caregiver training, respite care (a break from caregiving), and much more. If you would like to learn more about how this program can assist you, please contact our Caregiver Coordinator 315-697-5700 ext 215.
If you answered no to all the questions above, or you are not interested in learning about the resources available through the NFCSP, there is still help available to you through the Any Care Counts - New York (ACC-NY) Campaign which recognizes and supports the millions of unpaid caregivers across the state! Through ACC-NY you can discover your caregiver intensity score by taking the ARCHANGELS Caregiver Intensity Index (CII). It takes just 2 minutes to complete. You will find out whether you are “in the red," "yellow" or "green," and be connected to trusted resources.
Office for the Aging and NY Connects links individuals of all ages and their caregivers to long term services and supports and provides one stop access to free, objective, comprehensive information and assistance. Please call our office for more information and support 315-697-5700.
Short-Term Care Relief
Private hire aides, Social Adult Day programs, or Licensed Home Care agencies are all resources to help provide respite to a caregiver.
Respite programs provide a temporary break from caregiving roles. These breaks are an important part to helping a caregiver recharge.
There are different ways of finding relief through respite, the Caregiver Coordinator can walk you through the options.
Call Melanie at 315-697-5700 x215
Caregiver Support Group
A Support Group is a way to learn from and lean on others who are experiencing similar feelings. Meetings are held twice each month with various “icebreaker” topics introduced to help with starting a conversation. These meetings are informal and all are welcome to attend who need support.
Contact Melanie, our Caregiver Coordinator at 315-697-5700 x215
Caregiver Supports
Trualta is a free online Caregiving Portal provided by NYS Office for the Aging to assist caregivers with a multitude of ways to support their caregiving role by accessing online training tools designed to build your skills and confidence. Access link is provided below.
Caregiver Resource Center found at the Office for the Aging, is a lending library of brochures, books and loads of information to access depending on your needs.
MCOFA hosts caregiver presentations and trainings to celebrate caregivers and support the hardwork they are doing.
Contact our Caregiver Coordinator at 315-697-5700 x215
Caregiver Assessment
Do you provide unpaid care to a family member, friend, or neighbor who has an illness, disability, memory loss, or injury? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you are a caregiver! Are you feeling overwhelmed, constantly worried, tired, sad, easily irritated, and/or extremely stressed? You are not alone and there is support available. If you would like to learn more about resources, tools, and supports available for caregivers, please answer the following questions to get connected to the right starting place.
1. Are you over the age of 18 and caring for an older adult (age 60+)?
2. Are you over the age of 18 caring for an individual (any age) with Alzheimer’s disease or a related disorder (e.g., dementia, traumatic brain injury, mild cognitive impairment, chronic traumatic encephalopathy)?
3. Are you over the age of 55 and living with and caring for a child (not biological) under the age of 18?
4. Are you over the age of 55 and living with and caring for an adult (can be a biological child) aged 18-59 with a disability?
If you answered yes to any of the questions above, you are eligible for the National Family Caregiver Support Program (NFCSP). The goal of the NFCSP is to support family caregivers so they may continue to carry out their caregiving roles and responsibilities. The program can provide services such as caregiver counseling, information and assistance, caregiver training, respite care (a break from caregiving), and much more. If you would like to learn more about how this program can assist you, please contact our Caregiver Coordinator 315-697-5700 ext 215.
If you answered no to all the questions above, or you are not interested in learning about the resources available through the NFCSP, there is still help available to you through the Any Care Counts - New York (ACC-NY) Campaign which recognizes and supports the millions of unpaid caregivers across the state! Through ACC-NY you can discover your caregiver intensity score by taking the ARCHANGELS Caregiver Intensity Index (CII). It takes just 2 minutes to complete. You will find out whether you are “in the red," "yellow" or "green," and be connected to trusted resources.
Office for the Aging and NY Connects links individuals of all ages and their caregivers to long term services and supports and provides one stop access to free, objective, comprehensive information and assistance. Please call our office for more information and support 315-697-5700.
Short-Term Care Relief
Private hire aides, Social Adult Day programs, or Licensed Home Care agencies are all resources to help provide respite to a caregiver.
Respite programs provide a temporary break from caregiving roles. These breaks are an important part to helping a caregiver recharge.
There are different ways of finding relief through respite, the Caregiver Coordinator can walk you through the options.
Call Melanie at 315-697-5700 x215
Caregiver Support Group
A Support Group is a way to learn from and lean on others who are experiencing similar feelings. Meetings are held twice each month with various “icebreaker” topics introduced to help with starting a conversation. These meetings are informal and all are welcome to attend who need support.
Contact Melanie, our Caregiver Coordinator at 315-697-5700 x215
Caregiver Supports
Trualta is a free online Caregiving Portal provided by NYS Office for the Aging to assist caregivers with a multitude of ways to support their caregiving role by accessing online training tools designed to build your skills and confidence. Access link is provided below.
Caregiver Resource Center found at the Office for the Aging, is a lending library of brochures, books and loads of information to access depending on your needs.
MCOFA hosts caregiver presentations and trainings to celebrate caregivers and support the hardwork they are doing.
Contact our Caregiver Coordinator at 315-697-5700 x215
Expanded In-home Services for the Elderly Program
Provides appropriate non-medical in-home services based on the client's needs determined through an assessment process.
These services help with basic activies of daily living, ie: light housekeeping, meal prep, shopping, laundry and help with personal care.
This program is income based, meaning there MAY be a cost share for services provided.
Case Management is provided.
Email using the link below or call the agency at 315-697-5700 and ask to speak to a Case Manager.
Personal Emergency Response Systems
Provide peace of mind that help will be there when you need it.
Madison County Office for the Aging contracts with providers for this service.
It is an income based program.
In addition to the basic pendant that can call for help these devices are now capable of detecting a fall, providing medication reminders and wellness checks to help in keeping clients safely at home and independent.
What is Case Management
Case Management is a collaborative process which: assesses, plans, implements, co-ordinates, monitors and evaluates the options and services required to meet an individuals health, social care, educational and employment needs, using communication and available resources to promote quality cost effective outcomes.
Madison County Office for the Aging has certified Case Managers to provide this assistance.
Expanded In-home Services for the Elderly Program
Provides appropriate non-medical in-home services based on the client's needs determined through an assessment process.
These services help with basic activies of daily living, ie: light housekeeping, meal prep, shopping, laundry and help with personal care.
This program is income based, meaning there MAY be a cost share for services provided.
Case Management is provided.
Email using the link below or call the agency at 315-697-5700 and ask to speak to a Case Manager.
Personal Emergency Response Systems
Provide peace of mind that help will be there when you need it.
Madison County Office for the Aging contracts with providers for this service.
It is an income based program.
In addition to the basic pendant that can call for help these devices are now capable of detecting a fall, providing medication reminders and wellness checks to help in keeping clients safely at home and independent.
What is Case Management
Case Management is a collaborative process which: assesses, plans, implements, co-ordinates, monitors and evaluates the options and services required to meet an individuals health, social care, educational and employment needs, using communication and available resources to promote quality cost effective outcomes.
Madison County Office for the Aging has certified Case Managers to provide this assistance.
Health Insurance Information Counseling Assistance Program
Trained counselors provide free, current, and impartial information about Medicare and other insurance benefit programs.
What HIICAP Counselors can do for you
HIICAP counselors help you make informed decisions for yourself about important health insurance issues.
Connie Brown
Phone: 315-697-5700 x219
Help with Advance Care planning?
All Madison County residents, 60 years of age and older, can seek legal advice and counseling from The Legal Aid Society of Mid-New York.
The Legal Aid Society is able to provide the following services:
What types of legal problems are handled?
What will the service cost?
Legal services are for all older citizens in need of legal advice and counseling. There is no charge for the service; however, contributions are gratefully accepted.
The Madison County Office for the Aging, a non-profit agency, reimburses the Legal Aid Society at a per-hour rate for attorney services.
Please Remember. An appointment is necessary to meet with an attorney.
Telefriend is a program designed to provide relief from loneliness and/or isolation by having regular contact with a volunteer that is matched with a client and then scheduled to call at an agreed upon preference.
Call the RSVP program for more information at 315-697-5700 x212
Supporting Independent Living
Loan Closet has adaptative equipment available to support independence in remaining safe at home. Examples: grab bars, rollators, bed canes, shower benches, etc. These items are available on first-come, first-serve basis.
Some installation may be required and Office for the Aging is able to assist with this process.
More Programs
Evidence Based Programs - OFA staff are trained to provide programs addressing chronic disease management and balance.
Home Modification Assistance - Modifications to meet the changing needs of older adults. Information can be provided, including options, and sometimes monetary assistance to this need.
Outreach - Staff are available to meet with you at your home or community location to provide information and assistance in applying for programs and benefits.
Ramp Program - Installation of a ramp to assist older adults to live more indepently in their own home.
Health Insurance Information Counseling Assistance Program
Trained counselors provide free, current, and impartial information about Medicare and other insurance benefit programs.
What HIICAP Counselors can do for you
HIICAP counselors help you make informed decisions for yourself about important health insurance issues.
Connie Brown
Phone: 315-697-5700 x219
Help with Advance Care planning?
All Madison County residents, 60 years of age and older, can seek legal advice and counseling from The Legal Aid Society of Mid-New York.
The Legal Aid Society is able to provide the following services:
What types of legal problems are handled?
What will the service cost?
Legal services are for all older citizens in need of legal advice and counseling. There is no charge for the service; however, contributions are gratefully accepted.
The Madison County Office for the Aging, a non-profit agency, reimburses the Legal Aid Society at a per-hour rate for attorney services.
Please Remember. An appointment is necessary to meet with an attorney.
Telefriend is a program designed to provide relief from loneliness and/or isolation by having regular contact with a volunteer that is matched with a client and then scheduled to call at an agreed upon preference.
Call the RSVP program for more information at 315-697-5700 x212
Supporting Independent Living
Loan Closet has adaptative equipment available to support independence in remaining safe at home. Examples: grab bars, rollators, bed canes, shower benches, etc. These items are available on first-come, first-serve basis.
Some installation may be required and Office for the Aging is able to assist with this process.
More Programs
Evidence Based Programs - OFA staff are trained to provide programs addressing chronic disease management and balance.
Home Modification Assistance - Modifications to meet the changing needs of older adults. Information can be provided, including options, and sometimes monetary assistance to this need.
Outreach - Staff are available to meet with you at your home or community location to provide information and assistance in applying for programs and benefits.
Ramp Program - Installation of a ramp to assist older adults to live more indepently in their own home.
Dine With Friends
SNACK site- In addition to a nutritionally balanced meal, congregate sites offer a friendly atmosphere and the opportunity to join a variety of social, educational and recreational activities. These meal sites are located throughout the county and meet for noontime lunch provided by our Central Kitchen.
Suggested contribution for lunch is $3.50
Contact us for a list of these sites and days they are open.
Dine Out- designed to increase older adults' opportunities for socialization and community activity while ensuring nutritional needs are met by dining out at local restaurants.
Suggested contribution per ticket is $6.00
Registration is required to participate.
Contact the Nutrition Program at 315-697-5700 x222.
Home Delivered Meals
The Home Delivered Meal Program is designed to assist an individual with impaired mobility and/or lack of informal support to help prepare meals to regain their health and independence. An in-home assessment is required to determine eligibility for this service.
Contact the Nutrition Program Director at 315-697-5700 ext 222
Nutrition Program
Food Pantry- Our food pantry has shelf-stable food available to help meet an individual's need for approximately 2-3 days.
Farmers Market Coupons- These coupon books are available to anyone age 60+ to purchase fresh fruits & vegetables at local participating Farmers Markets or produce stands.
Nutrition Counseling and Education- A registered dietitian is available to anyone 60+ to provide nutrition education or counseling on dietary needs.
Contact our Nutrition Program at 315-697-5700 x222 or use the email link below.
Food Packages at Discount Prices
Madison County Office for the Aging partners with the Food Bank of CNY to provide the Food $en$e program.
Food Sense is an opportunity to stretch your food budget by purchasing food once a month at a discount.
Each month the food options vary, but you will always receive 10-12 food items including fresh fruits and vegetables, meats, and grocery staples.
Each package is just $20.50
***The LAST day to order and pay through our office has CHANGED to THURSDAYS***
*****April orders are due by April 3rd!!!*****
****!!PICK UP CHANGES!!****
Morrisville Pick up time has changed to 2:15-2:30 pm
NEW CAZENOVIA pick-up spot!! St James Church Parking Lot, Sullivan St Entrance. This will be a drive-thru: please stay in your car. Pick up time is still 3:00 pm
For more information contact us at 315-697-5700
Dine With Friends
SNACK site- In addition to a nutritionally balanced meal, congregate sites offer a friendly atmosphere and the opportunity to join a variety of social, educational and recreational activities. These meal sites are located throughout the county and meet for noontime lunch provided by our Central Kitchen.
Suggested contribution for lunch is $3.50
Contact us for a list of these sites and days they are open.
Dine Out- designed to increase older adults' opportunities for socialization and community activity while ensuring nutritional needs are met by dining out at local restaurants.
Suggested contribution per ticket is $6.00
Registration is required to participate.
Contact the Nutrition Program at 315-697-5700 x222.
Home Delivered Meals
The Home Delivered Meal Program is designed to assist an individual with impaired mobility and/or lack of informal support to help prepare meals to regain their health and independence. An in-home assessment is required to determine eligibility for this service.
Contact the Nutrition Program Director at 315-697-5700 x222
Nutrition Program
Food Pantry- Our food pantry has shelf-stable food available to help meet an individual's need for approximately 2-3 days.
Farmers Market Coupons- These coupon books are available to anyone age 60+ to purchase fresh fruits & vegetables at local participating Farmers Markets or produce stands.
Nutrition Counseling and Education- A registered dietitian is available to anyone 60+ to provide nutrition education or counseling on dietary needs.
Contact our Nutrition Program at 315-697-5700 x222 or use the email link below.
Food Packages at Discount Prices
Madison County Office for the Aging partners with the Food Bank of CNY to provide the Food $en$e program.
Food Sense is an opportunity to stretch your food budget by purchasing food once a month at a discount.
Each month the food options vary, but you will always receive 10-12 food items including fresh fruits and vegetables, meats, and grocery staples.
Each package is just $20.50
***The LAST day to order and pay through our office has CHANGED to THURSDAYS***
******April Order is due April 3rd!!*******
****!!PICK UP CHANGES!!****
Morrisville Pick up time has changed to 2:15-2:30 pm
NEW CAZENOVIA pick-up spot!! St James Church Parking Lot, Sullivan St Entrance. This will be a drive-thru: please stay in your car. Pick up time is still 3:00 pm
For more information contact us at 315-697-5700
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